Online Library Revamp For Helmet

2020 brought an opportunity to revamp the whole concept for Helmet libraries online service portfolio. Helmet is a joint venture of all the libraries in the greater Helsinki (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen) and is one of the most recognised and used online services in Finland. The project consisted of an extensive user study as well as branding and finally completely revamped end user experience with tested prototypes for mobile and desktop screen sizes.
Design direction, workshop & facilitation, visual design & ux-design
Concept documentation, Research study & dindings, Prototypes.

Above: photos from one of the many end user workshops we held (before the covid lockdowns).

Selected guidelines & exemplary visuals for the the new Helmet brand

Main view / Homepage for desktop: the new concept has a emphasis on search and recommendations
Selected desktop layouts for different sections of the main site.

Digital content will have a heightened focus in the new concept. Example of an e-book reader pictured above.

Selection of the variety of mobile screens in the new concept.

As part of the project we tested the prototypes with a multitude of different user groups (with over a thousand participants!). Images above are screen from the Maze -tool.
Here is a presentation I did about the Helmet project for the City of Helsinki. The event was held on in June of 2020 as part of a showcase for digital projects done within the city administration.